Features / Rules



-No cheat
-No try to exploit possible bug and glitch — of ATC mission or ArmA3 game engine — for personal benefit
-No friendly kills on purpose
-No kamikazing
-“No entry” in the enemy base area
-Serious gaming, no messing around at the base and in the radio channels

-Be respectful of other players and ATC Staff both IN GAME and OFF GAME in all social media related to ATC (Website forum, Discord, youtube channel). Offenders are warned and kicked from the campaign and subsequent ATC games if they persist.

In any cases transgression will be punished by kicking out from THE CAMPAIGN the entire clan in which the transgressor is ranked if this involves in game bad behaviour, only the trasgressor for off-game bad behaviour.

Strategic rules & goals

At the start of the campaign there are several areas for side (number varies between specific ATC editions), each one comprises 3 sectors. The goal of each side/faction is to control the majority of the areas at the end of the campaign. Campaign lenght may vary season after season. Of course if one side conquers all the areas it will win the campaign. If anytime in the campaign it’s impossible for a faction to overturn the result and win the campaign (example: 3 areas of disadvantage at the 8th battle) the campaign will end. Specific rules will apply in each ATC season.

Each battle consists in a side trying to conquer an area and the other side trying to defend it. To conquer an area you need to control at least 2 of the 3 sectors at the end of the battle.
The battle area is chosen by the attacking side commander (in agreement with his faction) and has to be communicated to the ATC staff at the end of each battle. The Commander can also chose the time of the battle, to be communicated as before. Weather condition can either be chosen by commander or they will be the real one in the area, depending on specific ATC seasons.

For the first battle there will be a draw to decide the faction that will be the attacking side.  Since ATC #9 there are new rules about attacking/defending sides. Previously the attacking side kept on attacking unless it lost or won twice for 2 sectors to 1. Example first battle 2:1, keep attacking, second battle 3:0 keep attacking, third battle 2:1 keep attacking …
Since ATC #9 the attacking side switches after battles disregarding the outcome of the battle itself. So side A starts attacking the first battle, side B attacks the second battle and so on.
The areas which are completely won by winning all 3 sectors cannot be attacked anymore. This removes the advantage for the side who attacks first. If at the end of a battle the attacking side has conquered only one sector, this sector will remain in their control for the next battles, but of course the area will remain under control of the defending side, that will be the attacking side in the next battle. This implies that if the battleground is a region not completely owned by one of the two sides, both sides will start with a sector defenders squad in each sector owned.

Depending on ATC specific seasons there could be specific rules to be communicated before the start of the campaign.

Tactical rules & goals

Teams A (Alpha), B (Bravo) and C (Charlie) of the defending faction will be deployed at sectors A,B, and C. After deployment time, JIP players start at the main base whatever team they are in.

To win a battle and to conquer an area, you need — as we said — to conquer at least 2 of 3 sectors. But how can you conquer them? Simple: taking people inside the sectors and killing the defenders. There is a minimum number of defenders that block any number of attackers to conquer the sector, and this number depends on the level of the sector, which in turn depends on the time that the sector is in the hands of the defenders, making the sector more difficult to conquer, but if you are more than 3 times the defenders of the sector, you will always conquer the sector. The number of levels will depend on specific ATC seasons. They are currently two. The vehicles count as 1. For specific conquer rules see the “Campaign rules” published for each ATC edition.

The battles last around 2 hours (may vary slightly between different ATC editions).

Since ATC #8 there is a line up time different from attackers and defenders, so no rush at the start. Exception: if the attackers have a bridgehead in the area, line-up time will be equal. Other exception: the Recon Team and Sniper Team don’t have line-up time, so they can do recon. For details of line-up rules see the Campaign specific rules.

Every class (e.g. Machinegunner, pilot, ecc) has its specific equipment and vehicles allowed. For example, only the pilot can sit in a helicopter driver slot; a Grenadier can’t use a M240G machinegun, that are reserved to machinegunners and special forces. If you take a weapon not allowed your inventory will not close unless you put down the weapon. Details vary from each campaign to the other.

Since ATC #7 we removed the side chat, forcing to use the radio and so forcing the sides to organize well-done long range radio communications and radio protocols.

A Communication Center (Antenna) can help the Commanders in taking the strategical decisions on the field. The antenna marks friendly troops every 30 seconds. It can be placed within an area shown in the map by the commander of each faction within the first 15 mins of game, and is available as long as it is not destroyed (it can’t be destroyed by attack choppers though). If it is destroyed is lost for the current battle and will be available again only in the next one.

Player respawn:

From ATC #9 only 2 tickets (3 lives) for everyone. As in the previous editions, dead players will respawn in the respective bases. Moreover, sarting from ATC #9 there will be penalties for each respawn. This means respawned players will lose something from their equipment, to value the first live and force not to waste it.

Novelties in ATC #9

For all main novelties please see here!

Tips and code of conduct for Company Commander:

The Company Commander is nominated by each side among those willing and capable to fulfill the role. They can rotate if needed and if the faction agrees on that. The Company Commander has to follow the Code of Conduct. Any issue that might arise has to be reported to the ATC Staff.

Company Commanders are volunteers that spend time and efforts in game and off – game to make plans and brief their side members. The Company Commander is therefore a person willing and able to prepare a plan/strategy, communicate it to his company and lead his company during the battle. It is a good code of conduct and a requirement for sides commanders to make timely the briefing with the team leaders belonging to their faction, take into account the specialties and preferences of the different groups/units within the faction as far it is possible, maybe rotate some special roles if there are more specialists than the slots available. Of course side commanders never can take advantage of their role by privileging the teams they belong to! It is required that this person has good communication skills, experience with managing multiple units ingame. Previous experience in organizing/managing groups in previous PvP events is welcome. Being able to understand and speak English well is a requirement to be able to play in this role.

Tips for ATC players:


For a general overview of the mod https://ace3mod.com/wiki is recommended. Here we will put down few tips and insights for player that are new to ACE and how ACE will affect the ATC gameplay.

Advanced ballistics: Even without the AB activated, the gameplay of the marksman&sniper change with ACE, because change the way of zeroing with high magnitude optics. With AB activated, a sniper/marksman needs to take into account also the wind and the temperature (mainly).

Advanced Fatigue: it’s a really different gameplay than the vanilla. Basically it’s way more stamina draining running around with the rifle ready, high or low. So you need to lower the weapon at rest during long march and manage carefully the pace when you need to advance with the weapon high ready. In any case you will spend less staming during the march but more stamina during the combat. Get use to change the stance of the weapon often, especially with a heavy weapon: it matters. You can feel the difference between a submachinegun with light magazines vs a machinegun with heavy magazines.

-You can change damaged wheels and tracks. Wheels everybody, tracks only engineer.
-The engineer needs to repair every part of a vehicle separately. You can repair everything with one click only with a repair truck or near a repair facility.
-More details for the ATC mission under module settings (specific for each ATC edition).

Explosives: place explosives and mines takes more time. You need to place the exp/mine and choose the trigger or the detonator or the timer. Also they will be visible on the ground.

Move objects: you can easily move objects (placed in the editor, not houses ofc!) with the ACE interaction menù. Is useful to move boxes, or to place a static MG exactly where do you want, instead of disassemble/assemble and cross the fingers. You can also load things like boxes inside vehicle cargo to transport them around the map.

Nametags: To easily understand who are the players around you.

Markers: You can choose the direction of the marker that you want to place on the map. That’s make a lot of sense for markers like “ambush” or “arrow”.

For CBA/ACE3 module settings see the Campaign Rules specific for each ATC edition.