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• View topic - Fifth Anniversary MilSim PvP Tournament (Arma2CO + ACE/ACRE)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:04 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:22 pm
Posts: 658
While we are waiting for the ATC6 Campaign in Altis with Arma3 ...

BDR Fifth Anniversary Tournament

BDR Team, and Arma Tactical Combat as well, are celebrating the fifth year of activity. We felt it would be nice to celebrate with a peculiar and unconventional tournament, based on a MilSim mission developed by our mission maker Flipper. In the mission you have to play the role of a SAS squad which has been sent in Chernarus to infiltrate the area under Chedaki control. Their task is to achieve as much objectives as they can. The mission is a PvP, the Chedaki role is counter-interdiction, they should control their territory, prevent enemy infiltration, guard strategical areas, prevent the SAS to accomplish their mission, find and destroy the Blufor squad.

The tournament is structured as follows:

Type of tournament: Milsim

Game: Arma2 CO + ACE and ACRE

Mission: Excalibur

Mission details: For complete details + pictures plz see )

Tournament Structure:

The tournament will require 4 groups. Each group is formed by a 6-member squad.

The tournament will last in total 4 weeks and the missions are played weekly for a total of 4 missions.

Each group, in turn, plays once as BLUFOR Team (SAS = Sabre). Only the Blufor squad will gain points (obj achieved).

The other 3 groups will play as Redfor team. The Redfor team will consist therefore of 6x3=18 members. Their task is to counteract the Blufor team and to prevent them from achieving their objectives. At the end of 4 weeks, the Blufor team with more obj achieved wins.


ACE, ACRE, (last version, available via Six Updater/Play with Six)


Date of start: to be decided with the participating groups. Indicatively the first week in September

Time of operations and Timezone: we operate in Central Europe Timezone (CET). In summer we have the daylight saving time (DST), this means GMT+2
The time of operations will be 19.00 GMT

To participate: please answer this post or PM me, or either contact me via TS

TS3 contact: vs15.tserverhq.com:6247 no password


Participation is limited to 4 groups

ATC community groups as well as anyone interested is invited!


Chief of Staff
Arma Tactical Combat

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