To the participants in the ATC#6 Campaign ALTIS OPERATIONS 2015, for their dedication, effort and sacrifice in battles, and for their professionalism in making a good game.
We all fought on different sides for a common objective. If we had fun and good memories to share with friends, Blufor or Redfor, we can say our mission was accomplished.
Final deployment:
BLUFOR: 7ADP, ATM, Elite Corps, FFE, OFCRA, Polish Arma Community, R.I.P., TIERS, ToK, ZuluAlpha
REDFOR: ASO Squad, Brigata Dispiegamento Rapido, [HA] Our Army, United Band of Brothers, United Nations Army
You have from now explicit permission to wear this medal and and ribbon, wear it with honor and
be proud of it.
ATC medal 2015.png [ 479.35 KiB | Viewed 41207 times ]
Special thanks:
To the side Commanders ZA_Phoenix and UNA_Cobra for their efforts and committment through the campaign
To all players for their dedication
enc0ded.enable – scripter
BDR Flipper – mission making and scripts; BDR Cobra – mission making
This day does not belong to one man but to all…
(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)